Friday - 10:45am - 11:25am
Stereolux - Micro


Shanley Clemot McLaren

Feminist Activist and Author @#StopFisha

Society - Conference

Fighting cybersexism

Conference in French

Cyber stalking, doxxing, revenge porn, cyber stalking. In the virtual arena of the 21st century, a new set of threats are used against women and minorities. With physical access no longer an obstacle, perpetrators can follow their victims wherever they go, crossing the boundaries of time and space.
According to the UN, 73% of women have experienced cyber violence and women are 27 times more likely to be victims of cyber hate than men. According to Amnesty International, 1 in 10 tweets mentioning a black woman on Twitter is hateful. Thus, cyber-violence is not only an individual attack, but also a danger to the rights of all people and to our democracies. Fighting these new weapons may seem insurmountable, but it can be if we fight together, collectively.

As an activist against online hate and a whistleblower on the explosion of cyber-violence against women and girls during confinement, join me at this conference so that together, we can be stronger in the fight against cybersexism and online hate.