Wednesday - 10:35am - 11:15am
Stereolux - Micro


Jean-Marie COUGARD

Industrial Property Attorney @Cabinet RVDB

Ladan Dirickx

Associate Attorney @Tgs France Avocats

Entrepreneurship - Conference

Artificial intelligence: legal no man's land or intellectual property lever?

Conference in French

Artificial Intelligence has emerged in recent years as the new technological revolution that promises to change our daily lives.
Medicine, banking, linguistics, finance: AI is everywhere. The object of all fantasies, AI raises fears and questions for some, but also proves to be a formidable engine of innovation and growth for others.
However, to accompany this revolution, it is still necessary to be able to protect and enhance its innovations in software, and more particularly in AI.
How to secure and enhance the value of intellectual property in the field of AI? What aspects of an AI can be protected and how?

Ladan DIRICKX (Intellectual Property Lawyer, Cabinet TGS France) and Jean-Marie COUGARD (Industrial Property Attorney, Cabinet RVDB) propose to give you an overview of the intellectual property law applied to AI and to give you the right reflexes to enter this new technological era.